Our Achievements

  • Capuchin Charities has implemented a number of programs that have contributed in the transformation of the socio-economic wellbeing of the poor in various parts of the country such as;

    1. Emergency Support for flood Affected Households in Nairobi, Kisumu and Tana River Counties;

    The Programme focused on Humanitarian Emergency response during disasters.

    1. Sustainable Livelihoods;

    The programme works with communities to diversify their livelihoods and achieve Food Security.

    1. Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC);

    The program works with relevant stakeholders such as Village Peace Committees, community resource management groups and various international and local Partners responding to conflict, Peace ambassadors and Children Peace Initiative among others to respond to conflict and to foster peaceful coexistence among the communities.

    1. Education;

    The Programme seeks to improve existing infrastructure in schools in order to provide a conducive environment for learning. This is achieved through provision of adequate sanitation facilities, water projects such as roof catchments and provision of water tanks, setting up school gardens and interventions that are sensitive to Climate Change in schools. The programme further supports Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCS) and People living with HIV/AIDS through provision of schools fees and school uniforms. Select schools also receive textbooks and Sanitary towels through the Programme.

    1. Health and Nutrition (feeding) interventions and ongoing/ recently Food Distribution Program.

    This program focuses especially Nairobi County – more than 150 illegal refugees who camp at the friary house in West lands in Nairobi given food.